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Urbanist Theory

Ray’s Exit Interview: Don’t Let the Bastards Grind You Down

This is a quote from a book and a song, so I can use it as a title. Even with a questionable intensifier. Today is...

Terra Nil Shows How To Unbuild a City

In time for Earth Day, a beautiful new game that lets players unwind while unwinding civilization. Terra Nil shows up on the App Store as...

How a Forgotten Plaza Can Become Tacoma’s Connected Heart

Tollefson Plaza in downtown Tacoma confounds me. It’s an attractive space next to a bustling university campus and an art museum. It is adjacent...

The Urbanist Podcast: Wet Architecture with Weston Wright

In the song "Five Feet High and Rising," Johnny Cash sings "Well, the rails are washed out north of town/ We got to head...

Planes, Trains, and the Only True Thanksgiving Movie

The holiday is a Chicago kind of event It is Black Friday in America. For those of us avoiding the mall like it’s our racist...

Dubicki: ‘The Crown’s’ Claustrophobia in a Box of Its Own Creation

There is a concept in television called a bottle episode. It’s where a show puts one or a few characters into a single location...
A white t-shirt reads "I only trick or treat in 15-minute neighborhoods"

7 Last-Minute Urbanist Halloween Costumes

Organized by what you already have on hand. It's been weeks since we began celebrating Halloween. The Danny Elfman music, the pumpkin spice, and the...

Who Runs Seattle’s Public Restrooms?

A journey into the city’s soft gates and silos. Here's an interesting fact: Seattle has fewer 24/7 public restrooms than it does publicly financed stadiums. That...