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Vision Zero

10 Reasons Urbanists Are Voting YES on Prop. 1

As one of America’s largest and quickest growing cities, it makes sense that we should pursue policies that promote a thriving urban environment. The...

Sunday Video: Strip District Transportation and Land Use Plan

The City of Pittsburgh talks about the intricate relationship of transportation and land use planning by focusing on the revitalizing "Strip District." They share...

Seattle City Council Notes: A Safer SR-520, Roosevelt Gets a Park, and Enhanced Tenant...

At the top of the agenda on Monday, the City Council discussed a resolution (Resolution 31611) on the SR-520 highway rebuild from Montlake to...

New Protected Bike Lanes Open In The University District

Over the last few weeks the, Seattle Department of Transportation (SDOT) installed protected bike lane (PBL) projects on both ends of the University District....

Seattle’s Aurora Bridge Needs a Safety Redesign

The crash scene on Thursday morning. (KOMO News)On Thursday morning, a tragic crash on Seattle's Aurora Bridge between an amphibious Ride The Ducks tour...

Seattle City Council Notes: HALA Work Plan, MFTE Extension, and SR-520 Resolution

The Seattle City Council met yesterday afternoon for the regular full Council meeting to vote on important policies affecting housing. Sitting first on the agenda,...

Let’s Talk About Lane Width

Lane width helps to control speed on urban streets. People driving tend to slow when streets are narrow. Urban Streets The National Association of City Transportation Officials (NACTO)...

The Hunt for a Friendlier SR-520 Resolution for Pedestrians and Bicyclists

Seattle is faced with a mega-project that will completely overhaul the declining SR-520 segment from I-5 to Montlake. As proposed by the Washington State...