Seattle Narrows Down List of Permanent “Healthy Streets”
Many neighborhoods were left out and many unsafe, unhealthy streets remain.
Ever since Mayor Jenny Durkan announced in 2020 that 20 miles of the pandemic-created...
Pierce County Council Pushes Back on Long-Planned Roadway Expansion
As the Washington State Department of Transportation (WSDOT) moves forward on construction of the extension of SR 167 to the Port of Tacoma in...
Seattle Makes Big Federal Ask for Citywide Safety Funds
As traffic fatalities in Seattle follow a national upward trend, the Seattle Department of Transportation is under increasing pressure to make investments that improve...
Kirkland Moves to Add Dedicated Funding Stream for Safety Projects, But Bikes Mostly A...
Residents and visitors to Kirkland could see more marked crosswalks along with new and repaired sidewalks if a plan to adopt a new $20...
WSDOT Holds Back on Going After Grants to Fix State Highways
The work to modify roads in Washington State to make them accessible to people who walk or bike is an enormous undertaking. Most cities...
Harrell’s SDOT Budget Pauses Thomas Street Safety Project, Keeps Center City Streetcar Alive
Mayor Bruce Harrell's first proposed budget for the Seattle Department of Transportation (SDOT) is undoubtedly the biggest window into how the nine-month-old Harrell administration...
Repaving Project Will Maintain Unsafe Walking and Biking Conditions on High Speed Ballard Corridor
The gaps in Seattle's current complete streets legislation are becoming more apparent as the city moves ahead with a repaving project on one of...
Seattle Freight Advisory Board Starts Fresh with Full Slate of New Members
Seattle is about to have a new set of voices advocating for increased consideration of how goods are moved around the city and the...