Washington’s Complete Streets Mandate Starts to Pay Dividends
A protected bike lane along a state highway? It's poised to become reality, thanks to a new state law upgrading the standards that the...
Accountability in Vision Zero: A Map of Recent Road Deaths
Vision Zero was formally launched in 2015 and set the goal of zero traffic deaths and serious injuries in Seattle by 2030. Eight years...
Major Safety Improvements Lacking As 15th Ave NW Repaving Moves Forward
The Seattle Department of Transportation (SDOT) has released its nearly-final designs for a $16 million maintenance project along 15th Avenue NW through central Ballard...
Strauss Advances Leary Alternative for Burke-Gilman Trail Missing Link
Councilmember Dan Strauss sent a letter to Mayor Bruce Harrell and his colleagues on Friday seeking to break the gridlock in the three-decade-long saga...
Freight Advisory Board Isn’t Ready To Stop Fighting West Marginal Way Bike Lane
In January, the Seattle Department of Transportation (SDOT) announced that after over two years of planning, it intends to finally install a permanent bike...
SDOT’s Top to Bottom Review of Vision Zero Barely Skims the Surface
In September of last year, Seattle Department of Transportation (SDOT) Director Greg Spotts took the megaphone at a rally of around 100 people on...
SDOT Director Downplays Delay in Releasing Vision Zero Review
One of the first actions that Greg Spotts performed as incoming director of the Seattle Department of Transportation (SDOT) was to request a "top...
Pedestrians Were Erased From Green Lake Outer Loop Planning
A last minute switch to a dedicated bike lane went against previous public outreach.
During a valuable Seattle winter sunbreak on a weekend afternoon, Green...