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Link light rail

What We Know About Sound Transit’s Alternatives to a Chinatown Station

It ain't much, but that's all the Board's going on too. This week, the Sound Transit Board of Directors will be deciding on preferred Ballard...
Jackson Street with two pedestrians crossing at 5th Avenue next to the protected bike lane. The Chinatown station is in the background.

Sound Transit is Not Ready for Its Big Chinatown Station Decision

At a public meeting on Thursday afternoon, the Sound Transit Board of Directors intend to select preferred station locations for the light rail system's...

Balducci Wants a Good Transit Option for Chinatown

Sound Transit boardmember talks lessening third-party funding demands, honing decision-making culture, and kicking the can. The Sound Transit Board of Directors will determine Seattle's transit...

Incomplete Analysis Overlooks Rider Delay Caused by Skipping Union Station Hub

Sound Transit Expansion Committee votes today with momentum building for unvetted North of CID station concept. Riders across the region are set to see longer...

Constantine Backs ‘North of CID’ Light Rail Station, Bypassing Chinatown and Midtown

King County Executive Dow Constantine has sided with those seeking to site light rail outside of the Chinatown-International District (CID). In his annual State...

Safety Strategies Abound for Rainier Valley Link, Yet Urgency to Implement Lags

Rainier Valley has seen more than its due share of collisions over the years. Martin Luther King Jr. Way S is a particularly problematic...

Everett Link Must Think Out of the Box to Avoid Generational Errors

This is a second installment examining the Everett Link Extension alternatives currently undergoing scoping. The first piece focused on station and station area alignment...

Options for Everett Link Stations Whittled Down in New Survey

Public input requested on the slim pickings for regional light rail station sites. Sound Transit has an open scoping period for the Everett Link Extension,...