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Link light rail

Leaked Everett Link Plans Heavy on Displacement, Light on Connectivity

Sound Transit plans continue to avoid taking car lanes to site light rail. Greater displacement, less space for transit-oriented housing, and more dangerous crossings...

Three London Station Wayfinding Strategies Sound Transit Should Adopt

Sound Transit has incrementally been improving its station wayfinding strategies. In 2019, the agency adopted Asian-style station exit and directory signs and then improved...
A RapidRIde C bus pulls up to the transit stop in front of Whole Foods at Denny Way intersection on a wet afternoon.

Harrell Advances New Denny Station Options That Could Delay Ballard Link

Major stakeholders are pushing to shift Denny Station west, which could lead to deletion of nearby South Lake Union Station and delay the project...

Facing Constraints, Sound Transit Previews 2024 Service Plan

Lynnwood Link will operate at reduced frequencies, as would an Eastside-only East Link starter line. Sound Transit shared its early service plan concepts for 2024...
Midrise apartments arer in the background behind the elevated guideway in Redmond.

Board Worries Sound Transit Is Minimizing Role of Planned Megaproject Whiz Hires

A group of outside experts in March told Sound Transit that its culture and operational structure must change to successfully deliver its planned rapid...

Sound Transit Plans Real-Time Arrival Soft Launch for Light Rail

Real-time arrival information may be coming to Link light rail in the next month or so, sorta. Sound Transit has begun testing of a...

Sound Transit Boosts Vertical Conveyances Budget, But Board Wants Results

A contract modification for more escalator and elevator maintenance services was approved by the Sound Transit Board of Directors in April, following a briefing...

Sound Transit Charts Link Extension Openings and Risks Through 2026

The timing of Sound Transit 2 Link light rail and streetcar extension openings is still very much in flux. Sound Transit had hoped to...