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Sunday Video: Amtrak’s 50th Anniversary Paint Scheme and Livery History Amtrak is celebrating the company's 50 anniversary with a look back on past liveries and special commemorative ones that will be painted on trains...

Sunday Video: NYC’s Moynihan Train Hall Opens Julian (JBtrainman) takes viewers on a short but comprehensive tour of the new Moynihan Train Hall expansion of New York City’s Penn Station, which...

AAWA: Advocates Call for Amtrak Expansion to Facilitate Economic Recovery and Improve Environmental...

Passenger rail advocacy group All Aboard Washington (AAWA) has called upon the Washington State Legislature to provide funding to the Washington State Department of...

Amtrak Joe’s Win Elevates High-Speed Rail Hopes

Joe Biden and Senator Kamala Harris officially became President-elect and Vice President-elect on Saturday, which signals a shift from a car-centric, anti-city administration to...

Biden’s Climate Plan Would Launch Green New Deal and High-Speed Rail Network

While Joe Biden may have emphasized highway building during the virtual Democratic National Convention, his $2 trillion dollar "Build Back Better" climate plan is...

Amtrak Cascades Stuck in Low Gear, Gets New Rolling Stock

Service on the Amtrak Cascades corridor is likely to remain reduced for quite some time. One daily roundtrip between Seattle and Eugene will continue...

Study Finds Limited New East-West Washington Passenger Rail Line Could Generate Substantial Ridership

On Tuesday, the Washington State Joint Transportation Committee (WSJTC) and its consultants presented findings to state legislators on the east-west intercity passenger rail study....
BNSF Railways track heading into Downtown Seattle from Interbay. (Credit: Doug Trumm)

Washington’s Draft State Rail Plan Presents Foggy But Modest Future

Washington's long-awaited draft state rail plan update has been released. Due out in 2019, the draft finally surfaced last week from the Washington State Department...