Tweet of the Week: You Shall Not Pass
This comic has been making the rounds across the internet recently, and sparks a really interesting discussion about how we use our streets and...
Saturday closure of Central Link Light Rail and Downtown Seattle Transit Tunnel for system...
All downtown tunnel stations and Central Link Light Rail stations will be closed on Saturday, November 15th. King County Metro will be operating replacement...
South Bellevue Final Design
On November 6th, Sound Transit held an open house for the final design of East Link's South Bellevue Station. East Link is a light...
Community Transit proposes significant service changes for 2015
Community Transit (CT) is proposing significant service changes for 2015 that includes 27,000 new service hours for the network. The agency is proposing to bring...
ICYMI: New York City Implements ‘Vision Zero’
Last week, New York City's citywide standard speed limit dropped from 30 mph to 25 mph under a policy dubbed "Vision Zero". About 95%...
The new bus in town…
On Friday, November 7th, King County Metro opened up for public viewing the prototype of the forthcoming King County Metro 40' Electric Trolley Buses...
What will change when Link comes to Capitol Hill and the UW?
What will change when Link comes to Capitol Hill and the UW?
This is the question that Sound Transit and King County Metro are starting...
12 Photos from Iceland: Streets Done Right
Iceland takes pride in robust and modern street infrastructure techniques. To anyone who has been to Europe or elsewhere abroad, much of this will...