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ICYMI: SDOT Will Extend Roosevelt Protected Bike Lanes to NE 65th St

SDOT is in the process of a planned repaving project for Roosevelt Way between NE 65th Street (Roosevelt) and Fuhrman Ave E (Eastlake). When we...

Seattle Streetcar Rationalizing Fares in March

The Seattle Streetcar, whose South Lake Union starter line opened in 2007, has its share of oddities. Though Seattle's streetcars are operated by Metro, they are funded and...

SDOT To Free Up Parking In Ballard, Deploy New Parking Pay Stations

If you've ever visited the core of Ballard by car, you've probably witnessed the neighborhood's parking challenges firsthand. Ballard is a highly sought-after neighborhood...

ICYMI: 1 Million Bike Trips Across the Fremont Bridge in 2014

Way back in 2012, the Seattle Department of Transportation (SDOT) installed bike counters at a number of locations, including the very popular Fremont Bridge....

The First Hill Public Realm Action Plan

Connecting parks & public space to enhance mobility & livability in First Hill The City of Seattle will be holding an open house to discuss...

Farewell to 2014: It Was the Year of The Urbanist

2014 was an unassuming year for The Urbanist. At the outset of it, The Urbanist was little more than an idea. But late January...

Rider Alert: New Year’s Eve and New Year’s Day Transit Service

One last time! New Year's Eve and New Year's Day bring a weird mix of special services, reduced services, and even no service. Don't...

10 Ways for Bellevue to Become a Better Bike City

Bellevue is in the process of updating their 2009 Pedestrian-Bicycle Plan with some new sweet projects. However, there should be some major policy changes as...