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Pronto! wants you to say hello to #VitaminP

Pronto! wants you to know that a new bike is coming to town: #VitaminP. Starting today, this yellow bike brighten up the streets of Seattle...

The Case for a NE 130th Street Station

Members of the Sound Transit Board are expected to make a decision in April 2015 regarding light rail station locations on the Northgate-to-Lynnwood extension. One...

King County Metro Transit is seeking input on new long-range planning effort

King County Metro Transit just launched a comprehensive planning effort to chart a new vision and direction for the agency. Metro recognizes that transit will...

President Obama budgets $75m for Tacoma Link expansion

President Obama has released his 2016 budget, which places a strong emphasis on transportation funding. A portion of that funding could end up in the...

Measuring Success on the Urban Villages Strategy, Part 1: What It’s All About

Editor’s Note: This is Part 1 in a three-part series on measuring the success of Seattle’s urban village strategy. For the the 22 independent indicators,...

King County tackles carbon emissions through transit credits

The Metropolitan King County Council is getting serious about climate change. Yesterday, the Council announced that it had come up with a brand new...

ST3 Passes First Hurdle in the House

The House Transportation Committee successfully passed Sound Transit 3 out of committee by a close vote on Monday. Only one member, Jim Moeller (D-49,...

Event: Join the Bike Love Party this Thursday!

Join Pronto! on Thursday for a celebration of everything bike-related in Pioneer Square. The event is a great moment to socialize with other cyclists,...