West Marginal Way Protected Bike Lane Postponed Again for Additional Analysis
Plans to fill a longtime gap in protected bike infrastructure between the Duwamish Trail to South Park and the West Seattle Bridge Trail hit...
Tell WSDOT What the Future of the State Highway System Should Look Like
When it comes to highway projects in Washington, the legislature holds all of the authority to decide how to allocate transportation funding. But while...
Seattle Moves Toward Devoting Street Space to Freight
As the city works to integrate its different modal plans — pedestrian, bicycle, freight and transit — into one unified "Seattle transportation plan" in...
Concrete Companies Stonewall Striking Truck Drivers, Threatening Cascading Construction Delays
Concrete is not flowing in King County and several high-profile infrastructure projects threaten to be delayed as a result. Concrete mixer drivers are striking...
State Should Invest $99 Million to Address SR-99’s Many Problems
Highway 99 has 99 problems. Aurora Avenue is an unsettled mix, part street where people interact with businesses and part highway shunting vehicles through...
Overbuilding Highway Capacity is Robbing Seattle’s Industry
Build roads for freight, bikes, and transit, not peak cars
Streets in Seattle’s industrial neighborhoods show massive disinvestment in the basic maintenance of curbs and...
East Marginal Way Overhaul Reaches Full Funding with $20 Million Federal Grant
Members of Washington's congressional delegation announced Tuesday that the US Department of Transportation will be awarding a $20 million Rebuilding American Infrastructure with Sustainability...
Issuing Bonds For Bridges is Back On the Table as Council Discusses SDOT Budget...
A proposal for the City of Seattle to issue bonds to pay for maintenance on several key bridges has been put back on the...