Ridehailing Sees Bigger Ridership Dip than Transit in Seattle
Ridehailing appears to be on shakier foundation than transit coming out of the pandemic.
As commuting patterns slowly return to normal, ridehailing appears to have...
Apps Break Cities, Just Like Highways Do
On Tuesday, GrubHub sent New York restaurants into a tailspin with a free lunch promotion. Between 11am and 2pm, the food delivery app offered...
Mayor Durkan Recommends Boosting Wages for Ridehailing Drivers, but Union Wants More
It is no secret that working as a ridehailing driver is a precarious business in which the benefits of flexibility can be outweighed by...
Via to Transit On-Demand Shuttle Service Is Back
Social distancing and hygiene best practices will be incorporated into operations, but driver welfare remains a concern.
Starting June 22th, Via to Transit, King County...
Telecommuting Surged, Transit Use Lagged among Downtown Seattle Workers in 2019
A new survey suggests that telecommuting was already on the rise in Seattle even before fears over COVID-19 prompted the recent spike in remote...
How to Combat Ridehailing’s Ills
As someone who walks around Seattle on a regular basis, it is hard not to notice that a startling share of the cars whizzing...
Angie Schmitt Plots a Way Out of the Pedestrian Safety Crisis
Longtime Streetsblog USA editor Angie Schmitt was in Seattle last week to talk about the pedestrian safety crisis. Schmitt stepped down from her Streetsblog...
A Flat 75-Cent Fee is Not Enough: The Case for a Variable Ridehailing Tax
Mayor Jenny Durkan’s plan to tax Uber and Lyft rides in Seattle lacks a coherent understanding of the problem posed by the explosion of...