How Many Times Could You Lap Bertha?
People keep asking "When will the SR-99 tunnel be complete?" It's a great question because right now is seems more likely never. We thought the...
Mercer Island rejects park-and-ride option at community center
We recently reported on Sound Transit's planning effort to build a new park-and-ride for Mercer Island Station. At the time, Sound Transit reached to out...
Lake City Way Slated for Pedestrian Improvements
Lake City Way is an arterial street in northeast Seattle that has been chronically unsafe for all users. It's also a State highway, so...
Tweet of the Week: Streets for People
This week's tweet is a reminder that language matters. Brent Toderian, Vancouver's former chief planner, writes:
What does it mean for a street to be...
Seattle Set to Increase Car Share Limits
On Tuesday, the Seattle City Council transportation committee voted to approve an increase in the number of free-floating carshare permits and operators. This would...
SDOT To Free Up Parking In Ballard, Deploy New Parking Pay Stations
If you've ever visited the core of Ballard by car, you've probably witnessed the neighborhood's parking challenges firsthand. Ballard is a highly sought-after neighborhood...
Farewell to 2014: It Was the Year of The Urbanist
2014 was an unassuming year for The Urbanist. At the outset of it, The Urbanist was little more than an idea. But late January...
Governor Inslee Announces New Transportation Package for State
Yesterday, Governor Jay Inslee (D-WA) held a press conference on a new 12-year transportation policy for Washington State. His backdrop for the event was...