How Uber Drivers Can Help Us Plan Cities for Self-Driving Cars
Most recently I have taken on a new venture in which I am dedicating my career to helping cities plan for autonomous vehicles (AVs) and...
SDCI Takes a Stab at Parking Reform
On Thursday, the Seattle Department of Construction and Inspections (SDCI) issued draft legislation that would reform how the City deals with parking requirements. SDCI...
Portland Considers Freeway Expansion Under Guise of Safety
Seattle and Portland have twin stories of fighting urban freeway expansion in the middle of the 20th century. With the defeat of the R.H....
Bothell Way 11-Lane Redesign Doesn’t Quite Stick the Landing
Don't say they didn't ask for it.
First, Bothell residents asked the City of Bothell to design Bothell Way NE as a walkable street to...
Spot Fix: SDOT To Convert Three Signals To All-Way Stop
The Seattle Department of Transportation (SDOT) has selected three signals across the city to be converted to all-way stops. The conversions require reprogramming signals...
Community Solutions for the I-5 Scar
While we are a big proponent of lidding I-5 to cut off the sights and sounds of freeway traffic (or even removing it) and...
City Hall Advances Seattle Center Arena And Lander Overpass Plans
On Monday the Seattle City Council passed a resolution signaling intent to move forward with plans to renovate the Seattle Center Coliseum (popularly dubbed...
Holman Road Trades an Overpass for a Safe Crossing
Holman Road is a busy arterial connecting neighborhoods in Northwest Seattle. Stretching from N 105th St in Greenwood to 15th Ave NW in Crown...