Ballard Bridge Study Builds on Garbage Traffic Forecasts in Interbay
Earlier this month, Ray Dubicki laid out why the Ballard Interbay Regional Transportation Study (BIRT) and its accompanying Ballard Bridge Replacement Study are failures. If...
Pedersen and Herbold Come Up Short in Effort to Swipe Car Tab Revenue for...
The Seattle City Council has been powering through their budget votes in marathon days this week, and Councilmember Alex Pedersen tried to sneak a...
Mayor Chooses Repair Option with Expected Mid-2022 West Seattle Bridge Reopening
Mayor Jenny Durkan’s decision is now official: Seattle will repair rather than replace the West Seattle High-Rise Bridge. The decision comes just shy of...
City Unveils Site Plan for Green Lake Community Center Redevelopment
On Monday, Seattle Parks and Recreation (Parks, for short) released a preliminary site plan for the new Green Lake Community Center as part of...
Pedersen, Herbold, and Lewis Propose $20 Car Tab Fee to Fund Bridge Maintenance
The three councilmembers say their plan investing $7.2 million annually will focus on "bridges with high-frequency public transit," but they haven't released the details.
Seattle’s Newest Street on the Waterfront Takes Shape
If you've visited Pike Place Market recently, and enjoyed the view across Elliott Bay from the new Marketfront Pavilion, you've probably noticed work happening...
Something’s Missing from West Seattle Bridge Study: Climate Change
Today the West Seattle Community Bridge Taskforce will meet, inching the city further toward a decision that will impact everyone who uses transportation in...
West Seattle Bridge Cost-Benefit Analysis Leaves Lingering Questions
On October 20th, the Seattle Department of Transportation released the WSP-conducted Cost-Benefit Analysis (CBA) for the West Seattle High-Rise Bridge Safety Project, and a...