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We Need a Holistic Traffic Model that Actually Works for Our Goals

It is time for America to get off the highway hamster wheel. Our dull-eyed pursuit of building more highways is a disaster for the...

Strauss Amendment Leaves Door Open to Safe Streets Focus for VLF Revenue

The Seattle City Council will vote today on the plan to invest $7.2 million in annual revenue from the $20 vehicle license fee (VLF)...

Sunday Video: Why Is LA Traffic So Bad? Dave Amos explores the history of Los Angeles’ highway building and the ways that traffic in the region is so bad. It isn’t just...

60% Designs for Route 44 Add Some Pedestrian Improvements

The Route 44 Transit-Plus Multimodal Corridor (TPMC) had reached the 60% design milestone, and last week the Seattle Department of Transportation (SDOT) of shared...

What Seattle’s ‘Keep Moving Streets’ Could Look Like This Summer

During the height of the pandemic last year, Seattle Parks and Recreation teamed up with the Seattle Department of Transportation (SDOT) to create what...

What Would a Real Bridge Maintenance Plan Look Like?

The Seattle City Council is contemplating issuing bonds for $75 million to be spent on bridge maintenance projects instead of funding $80 million in...
viaducts shunt traffic off the West Seattle high and low bridge in Youngstown.

Pedersen Amendment Would Cut Safe Streets Spending in Favor of Bridge Maintenance Bonds

Five months ago, Councilmember Alex Pedersen argued that the $20 vehicle license fee, passed by the city council, should be dedicated to bridge maintenance....

‘Forward Washington’ Leaves Safety Behind

Last Wednesday, as the Washington State Senate's transportation committee was preparing to vote to send its $17.8 billion transportation spending package to the full...