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Mixed Signals on the American Superhighway: Devolve, Evolve, or Prod Ahead?

Congress finally did something! It appears poised to pass a "six-year" transportation bill. In truth, the bill contains money for only three years and...

Seattle City Council Notes: A Safer SR-520, Roosevelt Gets a Park, and Enhanced Tenant...

At the top of the agenda on Monday, the City Council discussed a resolution (Resolution 31611) on the SR-520 highway rebuild from Montlake to...

Seattle’s Aurora Bridge Needs a Safety Redesign

The crash scene on Thursday morning. (KOMO News)On Thursday morning, a tragic crash on Seattle's Aurora Bridge between an amphibious Ride The Ducks tour...

The Hunt for a Friendlier SR-520 Resolution for Pedestrians and Bicyclists

Seattle is faced with a mega-project that will completely overhaul the declining SR-520 segment from I-5 to Montlake. As proposed by the Washington State...

The SR-520 Resolution Needs To Be Better

Completing the SR-520 expansion and reconstruction was fully funded as part of the Washington State Legislature’s transportation package. The $1.64 billion SR-520 highway project...

The Washington State Legislature Passes A Statewide Transportation Package

For the past two years, the Washington State Legislature has struggled to pass a comprehensive transportation package to fill the immense backlog of maintenance...

Mayor Murray Launches ‘Move Seattle’, A 10-Year Transportation Investment Plan

Seattle Mayor Ed Murray stood before community members and city staff in Ballard yesterday to launch his 10-year, citywide transportation investment plan. Move Seattle, as...

Combining Driving and Transit to Save Time

The introduction of bike-share, car-share and ride-share systems has made urban transportation increasingly multi-modal enabling users to complete different parts of their journey with...