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Roger Millar standing at a podium for a photo op

WSDOT Secretary Millar Issues Departing Warning to Policymakers

Washington State could be set to pay a significant price for decades of underinvesting in basic maintenance of the state transportation system, outgoing WSDOT head Roger Millar said.

Roger Millar’s Departure Leaves Big Shoes to Fill at WSDOT

Washington State's transportation chief Roger Millar is out after eight years, as Governor-elect Bob Ferguson prepares to take office. Widely recognized as a leader in progressive transportation policy, Millar will be tough to replace.

Pacific Northwest’s Largest Highway Project Ever Is in Deep Denial

Proponents of a $7.5 billion project to widen I-5 and replace the Columbia River bridge are ignoring induced demand, creating faulty traffic models that obscure its real environmental impact.

First Look at Montlake’s Highway Lid and Pedestrian Bridge, Opening This Fall

The yearslong project to transform the area around SR 520 in Montlake is finally set to open this fall, including several exciting bike and pedestrian facilities.
Millar wears a suit and stands at a lectern with Governor Inslee and a group of orange vest wearing construction workers standing behind him. A busy freeway is in the background.

WSDOT Head Millar Wants $150 Million Annually to Fix Washington’s ‘Stroads’

WSDOT Secretary Roger Millar is asking for a dedicated funding source to fix the most dangerous state highways in Washington, laying down a $150 million per year benchmark.
The view of Aurora looking south toward the downtown skyline.

Op-Ed: Redesigning Aurora Avenue for Pedestrians, Bikes, and Rapid Buses

SDOT seems to assume Aurora Avenue cannot accommodate pedestrians, bicyclists, transit, cars, and freight simultaneously, but this design proposal that will do just that. In the process, it'd make the deadly corridor much safer for all users.
The Seattle skyline rises above the I-5 freeway trench in South Downtown.

Op-Ed: Seattle Transportation Levy Should Seek to Undo Harm from Highways

A citywide coalition has proposed a $40 million package to advance ongoing projects like designing I-5 lids in multiple neighborhoods (supporting new street connections, parks, and affordable housing), remaking Aurora Avenue for safer crossings, and reconnecting the Duwamish Valley community around SR 99.
An aerial photo shows Tacoma's waterfront separated from its downtown towers by its elevated I-705 freeway.

New Tacoma Waterfront Park Begs for I-705 Freeway Removal

Melanie LaPlant Dressel Park opened on April 11 as a beautiful park far away from the rest of the city. An elevated, wide ribbon of concrete — the roaring I-705 freeway — separates the park from its users. Tacoma should remove this barrier.