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A long line of legislators and other leaders standing on a new segment of SR 509 before a ribbon is cut

Legislature Considers Cutting Highway Expansion Projects to Address Budget Woes

In choosing how to fill a $1 billion budget hole over the next two years, Washington State lawmakers are being forced to take a hard look at deferring or even cancelling some long-planned highway capacity projects.
Harrell stands at a lectern with a big pipe organ behind him on the Benaroya auditorium stage.

Harrell Teases Plans for Pedestrianizing Pike Place and Overhauling Aurora Avenue

Seattle Mayor Bruce Harrell teased a few urbanist-minded initiatives as he delivered his annual state of the city speech on Tuesday, putting support behind a push to pedestrianize Pike Place and launched a new "Northern Lights" vision to remake Aurora Avenue. Exactly when either change would occur remains unclear.

Sunday Video: Why Living by Freeways Is Terrible for Your Health

In this video, CityNerd's Ray Delahanty digs into the public health effects of freeways. Pollution impacts fall most heavily on people who live near freeways.
Cars use Interstate 5 through Seattle on a sunny day, with the sun just breaking through the city skyline

Facing Budget Crisis, Washington’s Leaders Downplay Focus on Highway Expansion

As other states start to reassess their prioritization of expanding highway capacity in the face of ambitious climate goals and other transportation needs, Washington is still in denial mode.
A tangle of more than a dozen flyover ramps in a I-610 interchange.

Biden Infrastructure Law Mostly Funded Road Expansion, Leading to Climate Backsliding

A new report shows most states continue to funnel money toward highway expansion, locking in climate pollution, despite new tools to fund transit and other forms of climate action. This is a losing strategy for both the environment and increasing mobility options. 
An E Line bus heads northbound on Aurora Avenue N near Green Lake on a sunny day.

24/7 Aurora Bus Lanes to Keep Riders Moving During I-5 Overhaul

To keep buses moving as lanes are set to be shut down on I-5 over a three-year period, the Seattle Department of Transportation is set to convert peak-hour bus lanes to all-day. But the city isn't calling the change permanent.
A view over Montlake from a drone looking toward North Capitol Hill on a beautiful day

The Washington State Transportation Budget Is In Deep Trouble

Declining state transportation revenue and increased project costs are on a collision course. Long-promised highway projects, court-ordered fish culvert removal, and badly needed investments in transit, active transportation, and traffic safety are all fighting for a shrinking pie.
Roger Millar standing at a podium for a photo op

WSDOT Secretary Millar Issues Departing Warning to Policymakers

Washington State could be set to pay a significant price for decades of underinvesting in basic maintenance of the state transportation system, outgoing WSDOT head Roger Millar said.