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New Closure and Detour Coming to the Burke-Gilman Trail

The construction along the Burke-Gilman Trail (BGT) seems almost never ending, and it's about to get a bit more painful for regular users. Since summertime,...

Tweet of the Week: Streets for People

This week's tweet is a reminder that language matters. Brent Toderian, Vancouver's former chief planner, writes: What does it mean for a street to be...

SDOT Installing Interim Protected Bike Lane on Roosevelt

As planned, this week the Seattle Department of Transportation (SDOT) began installing a temporary protected bike lane (PBL) on Roosevelt Way NE between NE...

The Case for a Wallingford Crossing

Interstate 5, like freeways everywhere, is a real barrier between Seattle’s U-District and Wallingford neighborhoods. Currently there are only four street connections between the...

ICYMI: SDOT Will Extend Roosevelt Protected Bike Lanes to NE 65th St

SDOT is in the process of a planned repaving project for Roosevelt Way between NE 65th Street (Roosevelt) and Fuhrman Ave E (Eastlake). When we...

ICYMI: 1 Million Bike Trips Across the Fremont Bridge in 2014

Way back in 2012, the Seattle Department of Transportation (SDOT) installed bike counters at a number of locations, including the very popular Fremont Bridge....

The First Hill Public Realm Action Plan

Connecting parks & public space to enhance mobility & livability in First Hill The City of Seattle will be holding an open house to discuss...

10 Ways for Bellevue to Become a Better Bike City

Bellevue is in the process of updating their 2009 Pedestrian-Bicycle Plan with some new sweet projects. However, there should be some major policy changes as...