SDOT Quickly Plans Bike Lane on Former RV Encampment Site in West Seattle
Weeks after the City of Seattle displaced residents of an RV encampment on SW Andover Street in West Seattle just south of the West...
Canopy-Heavy Green Streets Hold the Key to Climate-Proofing Mobility
Last month, Urbanist reporter Ryan Packer wrote about how the massive SR 99 tunnel project in Seattle is bleeding money due to traffic being...
Railings Instead of More Walking and Biking Space Planned on NE 45th Street Overpass
After years of advocacy pushing to create a safer environment for people walking and rolling across the NE 45th Street overpass between Wallingford and...
Transpo Notes: Delayed Bus and Bike Facilities, Ferry Pylon Strike, and West Seattle/Ballard Study...
This Transpo Notes roundup touches on a mix of transit and bike stories, including:
A delayed bus layover project and bike lanes in South Lake...
Lynnwood Considers Toothless Complete Streets Ordinance
A relative flood of new grant opportunities for tribes, cities, towns and counties is on its way as a result of the passage of...
Seattle Proposes “Rapid Response” Changes to Dangerous SoDo Street
The Seattle Department of Transportation (SDOT) is proposing changes to one of the most dangerous streets in the city, 4th Avenue S in SoDo,...
Rainier Valley Greenway Remains Unfinished, Despite Plans Drawn Up and Ready
Since the five mile Rainier Valley Neighborhood Greenway officially opened in 2018, its northern end has remained unfinished, disconnected from the regional I-90 trail...
Midweek Video: Swiss Show That Flat and Dry Isn’t a Recipe For Bike Success
Bike Switzerland? Jason Slaughter of Not Just Bikes visits Swiss cities and finds that they are increasingly becoming more bike-friendly places despite the hills...