Mayor Ed Murray Declares Seattle Bikeshare Is Dead
In late breaking news Friday, Mayor Ed Murray announced that he has decided to end bikeshare in Seattle. The City had been working toward...
Sunday Video: Vancouver’s Multi-Modal Success
Streetfilms highlights the multi-modal success of Vancouver, BC.
Is Bikeshare In Seattle Losing Its Constituency?
After going through a request for proposals process to determine which firm will handle the expansion of bikeshare in Seattle scheduled for Summer of 2017,...
Pronto Station Comes To UW Station
On Wednesday, Pronto Cycle Share announced at the last minute that they were relocating two stations immediately. Word had been filtering down through various...
Seattle Bikeshare Expansion Could Go Electric
This past weekend The Seattle Times broke the news that Motivate, the current operator of Pronto bike share, is right now coming in second place...
Portland Launches Biketown Bikeshare Program
This summer both Portland and Vancouver, B.C. follow on Seattle's heels in launching a citywide bikeshare program. Oddly enough, they both ended up rolling...