New “Digital Assistant” and Other Passenger-Facing Technology Ahead for Sound Transit
Sound Transit unveiled plans for a new "digital assistant" and passenger-facing technology program last week. The agency wants to build a single tool that...
Midweek Video: How To Improve A Stroad (Seattle’s Aurora Avenue)
Ray Delahanty of CityNerd visited Seattle to showcase the city's preeminent stroad: Aurora Avenue. Delahanty offers a sobering overview of the road, but he...
Midweek Video: Can Miniature Microcars Serve A Niche In Cities?
Miniature microcars are rare in North America, but they're common in Amsterdam and The Netherlands. Jason Slaughter looks into how these cars are more...
Lake Washington Boulevard to Open for Walking and Rolling on 10 Weekends
The weekend car-free open street will launch on Friday, May 20 by 7:00pm.
The Seattle Department of Transportation (SDOT) has announced that, for a third...
Midweek Video: The Bad, The Ugly, and The Mildly Acceptable of Pedestrian Overpasses
Anyone who uses a pedestrian overpass can tell you that they leave much to be desired. CityNerd takes a dive into them to evaluate...
Meetup Video: March 2022 with Anna Zivarts
Anna Zivarts joined for The Urbanist's March meetup. Zivarts is director of the Disability Mobility Initiative at Disability Rights Washington and is a low-vision...
State Should Invest $99 Million to Address SR-99’s Many Problems
Highway 99 has 99 problems. Aurora Avenue is an unsettled mix, part street where people interact with businesses and part highway shunting vehicles through...
Bill Seeks to Allow Access to “Drive Thru Only” Businesses for Patrons Without Cars
Throughout the pandemic, stories of people who walk, bike, or roll getting turned away from Covid-19 testing sites because they were reserved for people...