How Will Emerging Mobility Technologies Reshape Seattle’s Right-of-Way?
Meet Veemo, an electric assist vehicle that advertises itself as "bike share meets car share." From a legal and technical standpoint, Veemo is an...
City Council Passes Electric Vehicle-Ready Legislation for Off-Street Parking
On Monday, the Seattle City Council passed legislation to require to much of new development in the city to provide electric vehicle-ready (EV) equipment....
Transit App Improves Real-time Arrival Info, Including For Community Transit
Transit App rolled out some updates recently. A few weeks ago, Transit App deployed real-time arrival information for Community Transit-operated routes. This means popular...
Will a New Innovation Advisory Council Result in Seattle Adopting More Smart City Technologies?
Mayor Durkan is looking to local tech talent to address pressing issues, but the City's commitment to data privacy may limit the reach of...
The Promise and Potential Pitfalls of Google’s Smart City in Toronto
Sidewalk Labs is Google’s (ahem, Alphabet’s) secretive department focused on developing ‘smart cities.’ In 2017, the company was awarded an opportunity to reimagine the...
Looking for the Future of Transportation at the Consumer Electronics Show
The Consumer Electronics Show (CES) is “the global stage where next-generation innovations are introduced to the marketplace.” More than 180,000 people attend, and about...
Microsoft’s $500 Million Pledge Has Set the Bar for Tech Industry
Technology centers like the Bay Area, New York, and Seattle are becoming unaffordable for all but the wealthiest. What responsibility does the tech industry...
Eleven Ways Adaptive Signals Frustrate, Discourage, and Endanger People Who Walk
Things don’t always work as planned. That certainly must be the feeling at the Seattle Department of Transportation (SDOT) after the rollout of high-tech...