Home in Tacoma Project Chugs toward Citywide Zoning Overhaul
Tacoma has embarked on a sweeping plan to reform residential zoning in the city. The Home in Tacoma project could transform single-family and multifamily...
Tacoma’s Missing Middle Housing: Planning for Access, Affordability, and Mobility
In recent years, cities in the Northwest have responded affirmatively to calls to make housing more available and attainable through zoning reform. Portland, Oregon,...
On the Prospect of an Urbanism of the Poor
Recently, I was asked for my definition of an urbanist. In reaching for a definition, I realized that I actually don’t have one--certainly not...
Tacoma Quietly Rezoned Residential Areas in Latest Comp Plan Update
In late September, the Tacoma City Council approved a large slate of areawide rezones and future land use map designation changes, which primarily affected...
What Kind of City do We Want to Be? Tacoma and the Arguments Cities...
My summer reading list this year included a debut novel by Seth Fried titled The Municipalists, which CityLab described as “the urban planning Sci-Fi...
If You Build It, They Will Come (Even if You Don’t Include Parking)
The McMenamins Elks Temple in Tacoma has been open for two weeks. With its five eateries and bars, ballroom, and 45 hotel rooms, this...
Tacoma’s Pacific Avenue Hybrid Bus Rapid Transit Advances
Pierce Transit is moving ahead with a hybrid design for 14 miles of bus rapid transit (BRT) on Pacific Avenue, including 3.6 miles of...
Tacoma Says “Yes” to Cottages in its Backyard, Part 2
Backyard cottages are officially a go in Tacoma but what's next?
The City of Tacoma has officially adopted new rules which make it much easier...