Op-Ed: Reclaiming Tacoma’s Extensive Historic Streetcar Network
Greater Tacoma used to have an enormously expansive streetcar network. With just one line, Tacoma's modern streetcar network has a long way to go to catch up to that rapid transit standard.
Pierce Transit Prepares to Launch ‘Stream Community Line’ Express Service
April 1 is the launch date for Pierce Transit's newest offering, the Stream Community Line. A peak-hour service that will shadow existing service on the Route 1 between Tacoma Dome Station and Spanaway, the Community Line will run every 20 minutes from 5:30am to 7:30am and from 4pm to 7pm, only stopping at the most frequently-used stops along Pacific Avenue and Mountain Highway.
More than Zoning Reform: Home in Tacoma and the Prospect of Real Change
Zoning has created urban forms that are expensive, exclusionary, and unsafe — Tacoma’s attempt to reform zoning stands to create more livable and complete neighborhoods by tackling the many secondary effects of zoning.
Tacoma’s Grand Rezoning Plan Comes into View
If implemented, the new framework would make many of the types of buildings that already exist in abundance in Tacoma neighborhoods like Stadium and Proctor legal again to build across the city, with costly parking requirements in place reduced around current and planned transit.
Op-Ed: What’s in a Name? Tacoma Town Center and the Future of Downtown
The stalling out of major downtown redevelopment offers a chance to finetune goals.
The Tacoma Town Center, a $300-million project that is to be developed...
Tacoma Voters Pass State’s Strongest Tenant Protections, Inspiring Other Cities to Act
As of December 8th, tenants in Tacoma have more legal recourse against rent increases, landlord retaliation, high late fees, and even some evictions. Tacoma's...
Two Visions for South Tacoma’s Future and the Pursuit of Environmental Justice
How a proposed (and now permitted) large industrial development intersects with plans to engage South Tacoma Way in community-led planning.
Residents of South Tacoma who...
Op-Ed: South Tacoma Mega Warehouse Exemplifies Environmental Racism
South Tacoma faces the threat of a warehouse complex that would exacerbate air pollution, extreme heat, and violent crime.
It’s no coincidence that the already...