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Social Welfare

Map of the Week: Access and Choice to Grocery Stores in Seattle

Human settlements are built on the bedrock of food access. Without adequate sustenance, urban environments cannot flourish. People will travel long distances to ensure that they are...

Seattle 2035: Toward A More Equitable Growth Plan Alternative

Article Note: This is the second part of a two part series by Alex Brennan on Seattle 2035 growth alternatives. In this article, Alex...

Seattle 2035: Toward A More Equitable Growth Plan

Article Note: This is the first of two pieces by Alex Brennan on the Seattle 2035 growth alternatives. Next week, he'll share his vision...

Burgess Introduces Legislation on Affordable Housing Preservation and Tenant Protections for Seattle

Council President Tim Burgess announced new legislation last week to preserve affordable multifamily housing units and give renters additional protections from the invocation of just...

New Legislation Poised to Create Tenant Protections and Preserve Affordable Housing in Seattle

The Seattle City Council is poised to take up legislation that would create new tenant protections and preserve affordable housing across the city. Proposed...

Why Urbanists Must Support Linkage Fees and Inclusionary Zoning: A Scalable Policy For Affordable...

Over the past few years a convincing narrative emerged explaining high housing costs in cities. As the narrative goes, urban housing is expensive because...

Micro Housing Part 4: Minimum Wage Analogy

Article Note: This is the fourth installment of a five-part series on micro housing, see Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, and Part 5 as well. Thus far, the arguments...

Micro Housing Part 3: Arguments in Opposition

Article Note: This is the third installment of a five-part series on micro housing, see Part 1, Part 2, Part 4, and Part 5 as well. The...