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Social Welfare

Building the Movement for Affordable Housing Now

Seattle is in a housing crisis. We need urgent action to address high prices, limited supply, and increasing numbers of low income people being...

Seattle City Council Notes: A Safer SR-520, Roosevelt Gets a Park, and Enhanced Tenant...

At the top of the agenda on Monday, the City Council discussed a resolution (Resolution 31611) on the SR-520 highway rebuild from Montlake to...

Regional Initiative to Create 700 Affordable Workforce Housing Units

Transit centers across the region could see a huge boost in affordable housing over the coming years. Under a new regional initiative, some 700 affordable...

HALA Recomendations Are A Huge Win For Affordable Housing

Over the last two months the Mayor’s Housing Affordability and Livability Agenda (HALA) recommendations garnered tremendous debate, some of which nearly killed the historic...

The Top HALA Recommendations for Seattle’s Affordable Housing Future

On Wednesday the Seattle City Council will hold a public hearing on recommendations to increase the city's amount and variety of affordable housing options....

Public Finance Gaining Steam

In the heat of ongoing debates over the Housing Affordability and Livability Agenda (HALA) recommendations, single family zoning, and rent control, it sometimes seems...

Seattle City Council Notes: New Firearms Rules and Tax, City Enters Into Affordable Housing...

At a general legislative session yesterday, the Seattle City Council met to discuss a packed agenda. Topics ranged from the waterfront public space initiative to all-gender...

ICYMI: City Expands All-Gender Restrooms City-Wide

The Seattle City Council unanimously passed legislation expanding all-gender restroom access across the City on Monday. The ordinance will require city-controlled and privately operated...