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Social Welfare

Mayor Ed Murray Wants To Tackle Source Of Income Discrimination Against Renters

Mayor Ed Murray made a big move yesterday in transmitting legislation to end rental discrimination based upon source of income. The legislation would build...

Plan To Double The Seattle Housing Levy Chugs Ahead

On Monday, the Select Committee on the 2016 Seattle Housing Levy held a public hearing on doubling the housing levy and received very positive...

Why Seattle Needs Inclusionary Zoning, Explained By The Bid-Rent Curve

“Barriers to spatial mobility are barriers to social mobility.” - American Apartheid Every morning Sandy McKay gets in her Volvo hatchback and joins the flow...


As our city continues to discuss how we grow, one phrase that we hear often is “Neighborhood Character.” Often the issue of Neighborhood Character...

Help Ensure That Bikeshare Stays In Seattle

The fate of Seattle's bikeshare program hangs in the balance. At a meeting of the Sustainability and Transportation Committee today, Councilmembers will hear from...

Solving Homelessness Is More Complex Than Just Supply

In a recent article, I wrote about homelessness and mentioned that the building boom of new (mostly luxury) apartments hasn't positively affected One Night...

State Mulls New Affordable Housing Program

The Washington State Legislature is considering a pair of bills to create a new affordable housing program, dubbed the Preservation Tax Exemption, for very...

Policy Timeline For The HALA Process In 2016

In Tuesday's meeting of the Planning, Land Use, and Zoning (PLUZ) Committee, Councilmembers heard from City staff on continued outreach and engagement efforts for the...