Sunday Video: Life Between Buildings
Tobias Lau, of Social Action, described how prior to learning about the innovative research about social life and experiences in cities led by Danish architect Jan...
Lidding I-5 in Downtown Seattle: Design Guidelines and Moving Forward
In yesterday's article, I went over some of the characteristics of I-5 in Downtown Seattle and offered some temporary solutions for mitigating the effects...
Lidding I-5 in Downtown Seattle: Site Analysis and Interim Solutions
Yesterday's article went over cost estimates and offered three freeway lid case studies across. In this third piece on lidding I-5, I will summarize...
Lidding I-5 in Downtown Seattle: Cost Estimates and Case Studies
Yesterday, I covered the need for lid parks in Downtown Seattle and what they should be used for. In this article, I look at (very...
Lidding I-5 in Downtown Seattle: The Time To Act Is Now
Amid Seattle's rapidly growing inner neighborhoods remains the urban scar of I-5, a massive concrete and steel ribbon that is the lasting legacy of...
Sunday Video: The Surprising Math of Cities and Corporations
Physicist Geoffrey West explores how natural laws apply to biology, cities, and corporations, predicting everything from walking speeds to crime and health.
Observing People in Pike Place, Part 2
Article Note: This is the second installment in a series on observations of people in Pike Place. See Part 1 for a brief background of public...
Observing People in Pike Place, Part 1
Article Note: This is the first installment of a series on observations of people in Pike Place. Part 1 focuses on existing design features...