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Sunday Video: People-Friendly Buenos Aires A brief video showing how Buenos Aires is making the city people-friendly.

Sunday Video: Hyperspeed on the Silver Line WMATA in the Washington, DC metropolitan area just opened a new expansion of their Metrorail system with the Silver Line.

Sunday Video: National Transportation Crisis

Shabby Road by The Daily Show with Jon Stewart. This pretty much sums up just how bad things are with US national transportation policy right...

Sunday Video: Transit-Protected Bike Lanes We already have some of these "floating" transit islands that protect bikes by allowing cyclists. These islands give cyclists a buffer between platform and...

Sunday Video: Seattle Dream Pt. II Seattle Dream Pt. II by F-Stop Seattle on Vimeo. Watch this 5-minute timelapse tribute to our favorite city. You won't regret it. UPDATE: It appears that...

Sunday Video: An Ode to Progress Sound Transit shows off the construction progress of the S 200th St Link extension to some solid tunes. Watch the guideway grow in this...

Sunday Video: Modular Apartments Finished in 4 Days Watch this modular apartment building in Belltown rise from nothing to completion over just 4 days.

WSDOT’s Repair Plan for Bertha Washington State Department of Transportation (WSDOT) and their contractor Seattle Tunnel Partners (STP) went on a media blitz yesterday to explain their plans and...