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Midweek Video: The Face of Metro

Look who is the face of Metro! Our good friend Nathan talks about why driving for King County Metro Transit has been a fit...

Sunday Video: Sadik-Khan Talks About “Blueprints For A New Road Order”

Changing Lanes: Blueprints for a New Road Order on Seattle Channel. Janette Sadik-Khan, former New York City Transportation Commissioner, came to Seattle to talk about...

Sunday Video: Waiting for Azulejos Waiting for Azulejos by cityzenprod on Vimeo. An artistic video of Lisbon, Portugal showing the city in color and beauty.

Sunday Video: Volvo Lifepaint Volvo Lifepaint by Volvo on Youtube. Volvo has devised a paint that people bicycling can add to help be bright in the dark. Although Mikael...

Sunday Video: Gotham City SF Gotham City SF // A Timelapse Film by Toby Harriman on Vimeo. This timelapse film of San Francisco is incredibly dramatic, but beautiful.

Sunday Video: Accessory Dwelling Units Accessory Dwelling Units - Take the First Step by Oregon DEQ on Vimeo. Oregon's Department of Environmental Quality gives a short explanation of what accessory...

Sunday Video: How Kids Would Redesign A Street Apprentis urbanistes d'un jour! by Acces Transports on Youtube.School children in Québec, Canada have some fun and design a play street for themselves, then...

Sunday Video: Coyotes Coyotes by Modest Mouse on Youtube. Filmed in Portland, this video is basically one big tribute to the city and Trimet, the local transit authority....