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A photo from 1905 showing Second and Pine Street during regarding with the old Washington Hotel on the top of the hill.

Sunday Video: Seattle’s Long-Forgotten Hill

The Denny Regrade, completed between 1897 and 1930, changed the face of Seattle's downtown forever. This video from Seattle's municipal archives breaks down how it happened and why.

Sunday Video: Why Traffic Is Worse Than Ever and NYC’s Solution

CityNerd dives into rising traffic congestion and Manhattan's congestion pricing system that just went into effect, seeking to address the issue.

Sunday Video: Did Seattle Just Build the Best Pedestrian Bridge Ever?

City Beautiful reviews Seattle's new Overlook Walk pedestrian bridge on the revamped waterfront and really likes what they saw.

Sunday Video: Bike Tour of Montlake Lid and Pedestrian Bridge Grand Opening

Best Side Cycling was on hand for the grand opening of the Montlake Lid and pedestrian bridge over SR 520 on December 14. Check out this great new connection.

Holiday Video: Best North American Airports for Car-Free Travel

Inevitably, you’re probably going to travel and, from time to time, go by plane to get to your destination. But if you’re a transit...

Sunday Video: Can Trains Save Seattle?

City Beautiful's urbanism content creator, Dave Amos, recently visited the Seattle area to explore future transit-oriented development sites and the planning that is going...

Sunday Video: An Extremely Cynical Anti-Bike Lane Law Just Passed in Canada

The right-wing populist provincial government in Ontario, Canada has voted to remove bike lanes and make it difficult to install them in the future...

Sunday Video: The Worst Downtown Interchanges

Ray Delahanty of CityNerd runs through a shame list for the worst downtown interchanges. Seattle doesn’t make the list, but the unfortunate prevalence of...