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Elections & Endorsements

A Conversation with Cary Moon

After losing the election for mayor of Seattle to Jenny Durkan last November, Cary Moon took a long break. The time she spent campaigning...

8 Takeaways from Seattle’s 2017 Election

Drop boxes and post offices stopped taking ballots by 8pm last Tuesday but votes are still trickling in--even as outcomes are decided. Cary Moon's...

2017 General Election Results

Below are the results for the 2017 General Election for Washington State as of November 7th. The results are still early with some races...

7 Reasons We’re Voting Cary Moon

I've made the case for mayoral candidate Cary Moon before and our election board did too in our Primary and General Election endorsements. With...

2017 General Election Endorsements

With every election comes the opportunity to establish a renewed vision for our community: this election is no different. Voters in the November 7...

Urbanist Picks for the Minneapolis Election

Last month I gave an overview of Minneapolis and promised my expatriate stab at candidate rankings. Minneapolis has ranked choice voting, giving Minneapolis voters more...

Register to Vote by October 9th

This is your semi-annual reminder to register to vote by October 9th to vote in the November 7th General Election. How Can I Register? Glad you asked!...

October 11: Meet Mayoral Candidate Cary Moon at The Urbanist Meetup

The Urbanist will be joined by Seattle mayoral candidate Cary Moon at our October 11 meetup. We endorsed Moon in the hotly contested primary...