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Elections & Endorsements

Shaun Scott at Gas Works Park. (Photo credit: Alex Garland)

District 4 City Council Candidate Shaun Scott Wants Seattle to Live Up to Its...

"I want readers of The Urbanist to know I’m someone who considered himself an urbanist before I decided to run for city council, and...

Mayor Durkan Deserves a “D” for Her First Year

Mayor Jenny Durkan had her one-year anniversary in office on Wednesday so apparently that means it's report card season. The Seattle Times started that train...

Candidates are Blitzing to Join the Fray in Seattle Council Races

It's been a busy week for candidates jumping in the 2019 Seattle City Council race. The seven district-based council seats will be up, and...

Seattle City Council Expected to Approve Mayor’s Budget Today

Affordable housing advocates dominated an extended public comment period before the final City budget committee session. Photo by author.

Car Tabs Was Not a GOP Cudgel: Democrats Dominated in Sound Transit Taxing District

Ultimately, Washington State Democrats did not pass a bill lowering car tab valuations last session despite Republicans and drive-time conservative radio hosts driving a...

Carbon Fee Goes Down, but Democrats Make Midterm Gains

Let's start with the bad news. Initiative 1631 did not pass and Washington state will not have a fee on carbon pollution to invest...

Top Urbanist Action: Vote Out the Bums

Well it's Election Day and polls close at 8pm. Find your nearest ballot box here or drop it in the mail box in time to...

2018 General Election Endorsements

Voters have big decisions before them in the November 6th general election. Control of the US House of Representatives is at stake, and Washington...