2019 General Election Endorsements
It's that time of year. Amazon is cutting a million-dollar check to Seattle’s chamber of commerce political action committee. Their candidates are talking about...
Our House Is on Fire: Shaun Scott is Bringing a Hose, Pedersen is Roasting...
Climate policy is taking center stage in the Seattle City Council District 4 race. Shaun Scott was an early backer of the Seattle Green...
Meet D4 Candidate Shaun Scott at Our Monthly Meetup on Tuesday
Please join us this coming Tuesday, October 8th from 5:30pm to 7:30pm at the Panama Hotel Coffee and Tea House for our monthly meetup....
City Council Races Shape Up as Progressives Versus Chamber-Homevoter Alliance
After the Primary Election, 14 candidates remain for seven Seattle City Council contests. The race has shaped up to be a showdown between Seattle...
Anti-Transit Alex Pedersen’s Troubling Transportation Policies
Alex Pedersen won 40% of the primary vote in Seattle's Fourth Council District, but some of his views are very out of step with...
Was the Mercer Megablock Deal a Megablunder?
On August 7th, Mayor Jenny Durkan finally unveiled the winner of the contest for the most coveted real estate parcel in town: the 2.8-acre...
2019 August Primary Election Results: Early Returns
As of 8pm this evening, the early returns for the 2019 August Primary have been posted. Counting will continue over the coming weeks, usually...
Decongestion Pricing and What Candidates Said About It
Submitting answers to a questionnaire is a key part of our endorsement process and happens before meeting with us as The Urbanist Election Board. We...