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Elections & Endorsements

Three officers standing around a squad car

Seattle Council Approves Police Hiring Bonuses Topping Out at $30,000

The Seattle City Council has approved additional hiring bonuses for police officers aimed at boosting the Seattle Police Department's (SPD's) number of trained and...

Primary Indicates Blue Wall is As Strong As Ever in Washington State

Red wave crashes into reality; blue tides are rising. Primary results continue to trickle in, but most ballots have been counted, and Republican hope of...
The Capitol building in Olympia is marble colored and include pillars and a dome in the classic style.

2022 August Primary Election Results: Early Returns

As of 8pm this evening, the early returns for the 2022 August Primary have been posted. Counting will continue over the coming weeks, usually...

The Urbanist 2022 Questionnaire Responses: Eastside, North Sound, and the Rest

The Urbanist Elections Committee invited candidates throughout the Puget Sound Region to submit a questionnaire response. This post will go through the remaining responses,...

The Urbanist Elections Committee Endorses Initiative 135 to Advance Social Housing

Seattle voters may have a unique opportunity this November to support a new model of providing affordable housing, and they should take it. Initiative...

The Urbanist 2022 Questionnaire Responses: South Sound

The Urbanist Elections Committee invited candidates throughout the Puget Sound Region to submit a questionnaire response. This post will go through responses from Legislative...

2022 Primary Election Endorsements

Saying the stakes are high might be more of an understatement than an exaggeration this year. A renegade Supreme Court is goose-stepping toward fascism,...

The Urbanist 2022 Questionnaire Responses: 46th Legislative District

The 46th Legislative District saw the retirement of longtime Sen. David Frockt, and Rep. Javier Valdez quickly announced his bid to replace him. That...