Opinion: Everyone (Especially Urbanists) Should Care About the Crisis Facing Seattle Schools
A public school is an essential part of any community. Here in Seattle, public schools are in crisis.
Last month, Seattle Public Schools (SPS) announced...
The Association of Washington Cities’ Local Control Fixation
In this WALeg report, an introduction to the loud voices yelling for municipal home rule.
Also in this digest:
Important Bills at a Glance
This Week's Focus:...
One Stairway is Enough to Reach Housing Heaven
A bill allowing single-stairway "point access block" buildings would enhance housing and neighborhoods.
On February 2nd the Washington State Senate held its first hearing on...
Pollet, Pedersen, and Blethen Assail State Housing Push
In this WALeg report, predictable opposition arises against missing middle housing bills.
Also in this digest:
Important Bills at a Glance.
The Week’s Focus: Condominium Act reforms.
WALeg Wednesday Gets Wonky with Wealth Taxes and Rent Stabilization
The bills we have been tracking from previous weeks did not see a lot of movement. Design review reform made it out of its...
Liias and Reed Introduce Bill Requiring Midrise Zoning Near Rapid Transit
"This is the year for bold progress to make sure everyone has a home," Sen. Marko Liias (D - Edmonds) said in a tweet...
Republican Co-Sponsor Explains Why He Joined Missing Middle Housing Push
Rep. Andrew Barkis hopes 2023 will be the year for supply-side housing legislation in Washington State.
It's no secret that Republicans have been in...
WALeg Wednesday: Saldaña Drops Bill to End Jaywalking
More housing bills queued up in Week 2
Welcome to the second week of the Washington State Legislature 2023 Session. We have added two new...