The Urbanist Endorses Burien’s Measure 1 as Real Minimum Wage Boost
Burien residents should vote for Measure 1 because it will actually raise pay for low-wage workers. The Burien City Council has sought to muddy the waters, but their alternative is riddled with exemptions and a tip penalty that will largely erase the benefit to workers.
2025 Is Poised To Be the Year of the Eastside
East Link light rail expansions set the stage for boosting housing and transforming streets to overcome car dependence. The next year will be a pivotal, signaling whether Eastside cities are executing an urban transformation or falling back into old exclusionary patterns, ceding regional leadership back to the other side of the lake.
Urbanist Girmay Zahilay Touts Inclusive Approach in County Executive Run
In a recent interview, Girmay Zahilay delved into his urbanist policy platform and values in his bid for King County Executive. We covered boosting housing, staunching Metro's fiscal cliff, leading Sound Transit, resisting Trump overreach, and more.
Op-Ed: Legislature Should Close the Family Foundation Loophole for Estate Taxes
Washington State's current estate tax contains a loophole that shields estate funds that are in family foundations, showcasing the privilege of the very wealthy. The state legislature should close this loophole to reduce the need for draconian budget cuts.
Harrell Taps Top Madison Cop for Chief, Fires Diaz for Lying
Seattle Mayor Bruce Harrell has tapped Madison Police Chief Shon Barnes for top cop. Demoted former police chief Adrian Diaz, meanwhile, was sent packing for lying to investigators over his romantic relationship with his chief of staff.
The Washington State Transportation Budget Is In Deep Trouble
Declining state transportation revenue and increased project costs are on a collision course. Long-promised highway projects, court-ordered fish culvert removal, and badly needed investments in transit, active transportation, and traffic safety are all fighting for a shrinking pie.
Riders Plan Vigil for Metro Bus Driver Shawn Yim Following Stabbing
The transit operators union is hosting a vigil tonight, Saturday, 7pm at 15th Avenue NE and NE 41st Street in the U District, near where King County Metro bus driver Shawn Yim died in a recent stabbing.
Harrell Proposes Rollback of Restrictions on Police Weapons for Crowd Control
The Seattle City Council is preparing to pass new crowd control legislation in January that would largely defer to police over use of "less lethal" weapons. These weapons are still very dangerous and should be tightly regulated, critics contend.