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Seattle Mayor

Lorena González wears a blue dress and has long brown hair.

The Urbanist’s 2021 General Endorsements

This election, Seattle can do much to advance progressive causes and elevate visionary leaders. The flip side of the coin is a possible retreat...
Mayor Durkan stands on a sidewalk on a leafy residential block.

Durkan Text Scandal Whistleblowers Sue City for Retaliation

Whistleblowers in the scandal around Mayor Jenny Durkan's missing texts and mishandling of public records requests have filed suit against the City of Seattle...

Harrell Ducks Police Accountability Forum, Burgess Rides In to Attack González

Yesterday, the Seattle Community Police Commission (CPC) announced that Bruce Harrell had declined their invitation to a mayoral candidate forum on police accountability and...

Progressive Trend Emerging in Late Primary Election Returns

Primary results have been a Rorschach test for pundits, with moderates divining a moderate resurgence and lefties seeing progressives well-positioned. Late returns have strongly...
Mayor Durkan in an orange vest and SDOT hard hat at a West Seattle Bridge presser.

Will Electorate Blame Mayor Durkan for Four Years of Mismanagement?

Don't say we didn't warn you. The Urbanist has been highlighting the blunders of the Durkan administration from the campaign to year one to...

Urban Growth, Safety and Transportation Up for Discussion at Mt. Baker Mayoral Forum on...

In partnership with the Mt. Baker Hub Alliance, Mt. Baker Mutual Aid, Disability Rights WA, and Mercy Housing, The Urbanist is sponsoring a mayoral...
A map of the Seattle Subway's vision map of a light rail system made of seven lines that would cover much of the city.

Lots of Love for Transit at the Seattle Subway Mayoral Forum

Seattle Subway and co-sponsor Seattle Transit Blog, both members of the MASS Coalition alongside The Urbanist, held a mayoral forum focused on the topic...

Casey Sixkiller 2021 Questionnaire — Seattle Mayor

Casey Sixkiller is vying to replace outgoing Mayor Jenny Durkan, his former boss. Sixkiller has a long career in politics and lobbying that included stints in the offices...