Alexis Mercedes Rinck Touts Progressive Credentials in Race Against Woo
Touting her working class roots and policy chops, Alexis Mercedes Rinck is mounting a challenge against Councilmember Tanya Woo. She hopes to unite labor and progressives against the business-backed appointee.
Seattle Council, Mayor Not Asking the Hard Questions about Police Recruitment
City leaders are weighing laxer hiring standards rather than improving SPD's culture and accountability systems. But SPD's bad reputation could be the bigger drag on hiring – not to mention safety outcomes.
Seattle Council Rejects Morales’ Affordable Housing Bill
After her bill failed Tuesday, Councilmember Morales said: "My Connected Communities legislation would have produced more affordable housing, commercial affordability, and anti-displacement measures right now. I’m incredibly disappointed in its failure to pass today."
Seattle Land Use Committee Rejects Morales’ Equitable Development Bill
Chair Tammy Morales appeared flabbergasted as she initially failed to get a second to her motion to introduce her bill providing incentives for affordable housing.
I Applied for Seattle City Council and All You Got Was This Lousy Article
Ray Dubicki reviews the City Council vacancy "process" as an unselected applicant.
Seattle Council Appoints Morales Challenger Tanya Woo to Fill-In Council Seat
Morales cried foul after her colleagues installed her political opponent under a cloud of megadonor pressure.
Today the Seattle City Council appointed candidate Tanya Woo...
Op-Ed: Seattle Needs Another Pro-Housing Advocate on Council
Vivian Song is the candidate that fits the mold and the moment. Council would be wise to appoint her.
On Thursday evening, eight candidates filed...
Op-Ed: Sara Nelson’s Agenda Is Out of Step with Seattle
The council president's push to slash public services instead of raise new revenue is at odds with voters.
When Argentina’s new right-wing president Javier Milei...