Tammy Morales to Resign from Seattle Council, Citing Mistreatment by Colleagues
District 2 Councilmember Tammy Morales announced Wednesday morning that she will resign in January, saying she has been undermined and frozen out of legislating by the more conservative-leaning Seattle City Council majority. The resignation sets up another council appointment and a special election next fall.
Alexis Mercedes Rinck Takes Office, Pledging Seattle Will Resist Trumpism
Alexis Mercedes Rinck vowed to make Seattle a welcoming city for all and resist Trumpism in her inaugural speech as a city councilmember. It was a more defiant tone than struck by the more conciliatory Mayor Bruce Harrell.
Seattle Council Passes Budget Swiping Affordable Housing Funds to Boost SPD
The Sara Nelson-led Seattle City Council passed their first city budget in an 8-1 vote. It greenlit the mayor’s plan to slash investments in affordable housing and social services and trim 48 staff positions in order to boost police spending by 16% and close a large deficit without raising new taxes.
Seattle Rejects Capital Gains Proposal, but Progressive Tax Time Is Nigh
Progressive challenger Alexis Mercedes Rinck's election win could mean a 5-4 majority for a capital gains tax — or even a supermajority, if Rob “this is the right tax at the wrong time” Saka can be convinced that the time is right. Other progressive taxes are also on the table.
Sara Nelson Warns She Can Kill Any Transit Project She Wants
A budget amendment put forward by Council President Nelson asks for information on how and when the city creates priority space for buses, citing opposition to Route 40. At a meeting last week, Nelson suggested that if she had wanted to kill a controversial project she already could have done it.
Progressive PAC Helps Rinck Keep Fundraising Pace in Seattle Council Race
A pro-Woo PAC pumped $70,000 into the race Friday as a last ditch effort to swing the election. So far, Alexis Mercedes Rinck had been able to keep pace, with help from the Progressive People Power PAC.
Louisa Hotel Tenants Speak Out, Calling Councilmember Woo ‘Slumlord’
Tanya Woo has brandished her affordable housing credentials as owner of the Louisa Hotel in Chinatown. However, some of her tenants portray her as a 'slumlord' based on the practices of building management, including frequently pressuring eviction and letting issues like a broken elevator go long unresolved.
Transportation Chair Saka Questions School Zone Camera Expansion Plan
A plan to expand the number of school zone speed cameras has been in the works for nearly two years. But Councilmember Rob Saka is raising questions about the idea and funds allocated to make it happen.