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Seattle City Council

Candidates are Blitzing to Join the Fray in Seattle Council Races

It's been a busy week for candidates jumping in the 2019 Seattle City Council race. The seven district-based council seats will be up, and...

Seattle City Council Expected to Approve Mayor’s Budget Today

Affordable housing advocates dominated an extended public comment period before the final City budget committee session. Photo by author.

Head Tax Down in Flames as Councilmembers Fret Over Polling, Chamber Money

Yesterday the Seattle City Council voted 7-2 to repeal the Employee Hours Tax (aka "head tax") less than one month after they passed it...

2017 General Election Results

Below are the results for the 2017 General Election for Washington State as of November 7th. The results are still early with some races...

2017 General Election Endorsements

With every election comes the opportunity to establish a renewed vision for our community: this election is no different. Voters in the November 7...

Why the Seattle City Council Must Not Rush Burgess’ Replacement

Now that long-time councilmember Tim Burgess has ascended to the Mayor’s seat, vacating his lame-duck council seat for a brief chance at the city’s...

Seattle Council Votes Tim Burgess Mayor

Seattle's mayoral musical chairs is over, and the person occupying the seat is Tim Burgess. This afternoon the Seattle City Council voted 5 to 1...

Urbanist Meetup on Tuesday Will Feature Teresa Mosqueda

We wanted to remind you that our September meetup next week will be headlined by Teresa Mosqueda, our endorsed candidate for Seattle City Council...