Sara Nelson Warns She Can Kill Any Transit Project She Wants
A budget amendment put forward by Council President Nelson asks for information on how and when the city creates priority space for buses, citing opposition to Route 40. At a meeting last week, Nelson suggested that if she had wanted to kill a controversial project she already could have done it.
Election Update: Urbanists Mello, Rinck, Scott, and Bateman Coast to Victory
Shaun Scott is headed to the Washington State House. Jessica Bateman is headed to the state senate. Alexis Mercedes Rinck won a Seattle City Council seat, and Ryan Mello is the new Pierce County Executive. All were endorsed by The Urbanist.
Seattle Voters Approve $1.55 Billion Transportation Levy
Passage of Seattle's transportation levy was all but assured Tuesday night, after initial returns showed two-thirds of voters in support.
Early Washington State Election Results Are Favorable for Progressives
Progressives are off to a fast start in Washington state early returns. All four Republican-backed statewide initiative repealing progressive legislation are in trouble. Urbanist-endorsed Shaun Scott and Alexis Mercedes Rinck are up big, and urbanist Ryan Mello has a lead in the Pierce County Executive race.
What’s at Stake in Seattle and Washington State Elections
Election Day 2024 is upon us, and the outcome will have a huge impact on the lives of residents in Seattle and Washington state. Here's a quick rundown of what's on the ballot and what the outcome could mean.
Sunday Video: Replacing I-5 Lanes with Cascadia High Speed Rail
Lucid Stew's "Taking Back The Streets Cascadia Edition" analyzes the idea of repurposing I-5 lanes to create a high speed rail line between Eugene and Vancouver, BC, connecting Portland, Tacoma, Seattle, and a handful of other cities along the way. A two-hour trip from Seattle to Portland or Vancouver, BC would be possible.
Progressive PAC Helps Rinck Keep Fundraising Pace in Seattle Council Race
A pro-Woo PAC pumped $70,000 into the race Friday as a last ditch effort to swing the election. So far, Alexis Mercedes Rinck had been able to keep pace, with help from the Progressive People Power PAC.
Louisa Hotel Tenants Speak Out, Calling Councilmember Woo ‘Slumlord’
Tanya Woo has brandished her affordable housing credentials as owner of the Louisa Hotel in Chinatown. However, some of her tenants portray her as a 'slumlord' based on the practices of building management, including frequently pressuring eviction and letting issues like a broken elevator go long unresolved.