Op-Ed: Seattle’s Banishment Zones Are Misguided, Public Space Guardianship Offers Fix
Activating public spaces is a worthy goal, but it takes welcoming people in with placemaking and guardianship, not banishing those deemed undesirable.
Seattle’s Stay Out Orders and Encampment Sweeps Continue Trend toward Criminalization
Emboldened by the Supreme Court's sweep-friendly Grants Pass decision, the Seattle City Council is advancing stay out zones in hopes of criminalizing drug abuse, sex work, and homelessness out of existence. History suggests this will not work.
Sunday Video: Are Fire Concerns About Point Access (Single-Stair) Buildings Right?
Last year, Uytae Lee of About Here discussed why point access block (single-stair) residential buildings are so good. But a common reaction to the...
Sunday Video: How American Fire Departments Are Getting People Killed
Fire departments rightly get high praise for fighting fires, rescuing people, and saving lives. But North American fire departments have been resistant to change...
Seattle Officials Tout Safety, Mental Health Interventions for New School Year
City and school officials promise a tangible change in safety and student supports when the new school year begins. But they're delivering fewer mental health investments than student groups requested.
Seattle Council Seeks to Ban People Charged with Drug Crimes from Swaths of City
Hoping to disrupt the drug trade and prostitution, centrist councilmembers are resurrecting regressive exclusion zone policies that have failed repeatedly in the past.
Seattle’s Rushed Plan to Jail Low-Level Offenders Passes Its First Hurdle
On Wednesday, Seattle Council’s public safety committee advanced Mayor Bruce Harrell’s proposal to contract with the South Correctional Facility (SCORE) jail to house a limited number of people accused of simple misdemeanors, such as criminal trespass and shoplifting. The proposal comes with logistical challenge and its share of critics.
Bob Kettle Alleges Safe Street Upgrades Hinder Emergency Response, Lacking Evidence
Seattle Councilmember Bob Kettle has asserted that projects intended to improve traffic safety can negatively impact emergency response. The data to back it up is not there.