Washington Gets A Bicycle Safety Advisory Council
Washington state now has a new bicycle safety advisory council responsible for studying trends on bicycle-related injuries and fatalities across the state. Governor Jay...
Constantine Responds To Youth Jail Critics In State Of The County Speech
During his State of the County speech yesterday, King County Executive Dow Constantine unveiled plans to open two reception centers for youth accused of...
SDCI Approves Youth Jail, Opposition Contemplates Appeal
As predicted, the Seattle Department of Construction and Inspections (SDCI) approved the land use permit Thursday for the King County Children and Family Justice Center, also known...
Council Passes 20 Is Plenty Law, 2+U Alley Vacation, And New Madison Valley Park
Monday was a somewhat unusual meeting for the Seattle City Council. Leading off the proceedings was Mayor Ed Murray who delivered his remarks on the...
Council’s Homeless Sweeps Bill Could Lead To Showdown With Mayor
The Seattle City Council's Human Services and Public Health Committee held a special meeting yesterday (video) to consider legislation to make treatment of the...
About That $210 Million Youth Jail…
Block The Bunker activists celebrated after Mayor Ed Murray backed down and put the $149 million North Precinct police building on hold. But they...
Mayor Murray Delays North Precinct Project
Yesterday morning, I attended a Seattle Design Commission meeting on the parking design of the North Precinct building. By the evening, Mayor Ed Murray...
Council Postpones Showdown Over North Precinct’s Cost And Tone-Deafness
Last week it seemed like the Seattle City Council might approve the Seattle Police Department's North Precinct design and fund the $149 million project...