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Seattle City Budget

Tenants hold signs saying "hold bad landlords accountable" and "everyone deserves dignified housing" and "SROC stands against abusive landlords" and "workers rights = renters' rights"

Harrell Proposes Deep Cuts for Tenant Assistance, Advocates Push Back

Housing advocates are pushing back after Seattle Mayor Bruce Harrell proposed $1.8 million in cuts to rental assistance and tenant services next year. They hope city council will restore the funding, or even double it.
A half dozen police and a medic team talk to a person in a wheel chair across from Pioneer Square Station. A police cruiser and ambulance are parked along Third Avenue.

Harrell Cuts Social Safety Net to Fund 16% Boost to SPD

Mayor Bruce Harrell’s 2025 budget would cut elsewhere to fund a 16% increase to the Seattle Police Department. The cuts to affordable housing and social services could backfire, undermining public safety and homelessness response.

Harrell Officials Downplay Impact of Permitting Staff Cuts

City officials have insisted that the staff cuts for SDCI in next year's budget will not impact permit approval times. Staff are not convinced.

Harrell Swipes Affordable Housing Dollars to Backfill Budget, Reduce Service Cuts

Under the budget for the next two years proposed by Mayor Bruce Harrell, around half of the JumpStart funding originally earmarked for affordable housing and other investments would instead fund Harrell Administration priorities.
McLaren has its butterfly doors up while a half dozen onlookers in yellow vests take picture or admire the car.

Policy Lab: Tax the Filthy, Stinking Rich

Seattle has a $258 million budget deficit to solve. Mayor Bruce Harrell said he rejects notions of austerity. Good for him! I’m here to help. Let’s chart a way out of this crisis that doesn’t involve slashing services and laying off city workers.

Op-Ed: Councilmember Rivera Plans To Defund the Equitable Development Initiative

Councilmember Maritza Rivera aims to raid the money allocated to Seattle's Equitable Development Initiative. Here’s what you can do to fight this budget raid.
Kattle wears a blue suit and light gray beard and sits on Council dais.

Seattle Police Contract Passes Despite Limited Accountability Measures, Budget Hit

With a 24% raise and backpay, Seattle police officers are collectively earning an extra $96 million in compensation from the City in 2024. City leaders hope to spur hiring, but the contract did little to increase police accountability and blew a bigger hole in the City's quarter-billion-dollar budget deficit.
A fence with a pilot boy cartoon figure surrounding Civic Square with Seattle City Hall and the Columbia Tower skyscraper in the background.

Policy Lab: Will Last Progressive in Seattle Turn On the Lights

Seattle City Council President Sara Nelson celebrated a shift to the right and an end to "ideological experimentation." But progressives are pioneering lots of innovative ideas and should be stockpiling programs for friendlier climes. What are yours?