Midweek Video: Seattle 2035 Public Hearing
If you happen to have an hour and a half on hand, take a peek at the very thrilling and intriguing public conversation on...
Event Reminder: Seattle 2035 Public Hearing
The City of Seattle is quickly approaching the completion of its review and update of the city’s Comprehensive Plan. Earlier this month, the City...
DEIS Issued for Seattle 2035 Comprehensive Plan
Yesterday, the City of Seattle issued the Draft Environmental Impact Statement (DEIS) for the city's comprehensive plan update, known as Seattle 2035. The comprehensive plan update...
Workforce Housing Recommendations
Seattle's council has spent a lot of the last year trying to figure out how to address housing costs. Continuing this conversation, four council members...
Seattle 2035: Key Directions Event
Editor's Note: In case you missed our previous coverage of Seattle 2035, check out our last article on the update process.
The Seattle Department of Planning and Development (DPD)...
Seattle 2035: One Last Chance
Editor’s Note: In case you missed our previous coverage of Seattle 2035, check out DPD’s Background Report, which covers the city’s planning data from 1995-2012.
The Department of Planning...
DPD Is Taking Seattle 2035 on the Road
If you didn't get a chance to attend the Seattle 2035 EIS Scoping and open house meeting last week, don't fret! The Department of...
Event Reminder: Seattle 2035 EIS Scoping and Comprehensive Plan Alternatives
As The Urbanist reported last week, the Department of Planning and Development (DPD) will be holding an open house and presentation on the city's update to...