Seattle’s Draft Comprehensive Plan Takes on the Big Issues
By 2040 the Puget Sound region is expected to have a population of 5 million, up from 3.9 million today. Seattle expects to be at the...
Seattle 2035: Explore the Draft Plan and Weigh In
For the past two years, the City of Seattle has been hard at work to develop an updated citywide Comprehensive Plan. Seattle 2035, as...
2014-2015 Amendments to Seattle’s Comprehensive Plan
A suite of Comprehensive Plan amendments are now under consideration by the Seattle City Council. Three separate proposals are being vetted, which are the...
Last Chance: Support Alternative 5 for Seattle 2035
In an editorial published on Tuesday, we offered our vision on how Seattle must accommodate growth over the next 20 years. We believe that all four...
Seattle 2035 Transportation Element
A week ago I sat down after work in a Pioneer Square pub with five young men to discuss the Transportation Element and Transportation Appendix of...
Support Alternative 5 for Seattle 2035
Seattle is growing fast. Over the next 20 years, 120,000 new residents will make Seattle their home, and employers will add 115,000 new jobs...
Seattle 2035: Toward A More Equitable Growth Plan Alternative
Article Note: This is the second part of a two part series by Alex Brennan on Seattle 2035 growth alternatives. In this article, Alex...
Seattle 2035: Toward A More Equitable Growth Plan
Article Note: This is the first of two pieces by Alex Brennan on the Seattle 2035 growth alternatives. Next week, he'll share his vision...