Take Action: Speak Up For Lowrise Housing
Seattle could soon see significant changes to Lowrise zoning development regulations if the City Council passes legislation on the issue. Spurred on by many neighbor...
Support Alternative 5 for Seattle 2035
Seattle is growing fast. Over the next 20 years, 120,000 new residents will make Seattle their home, and employers will add 115,000 new jobs...
Seattle 2035: Toward A More Equitable Growth Plan Alternative
Article Note: This is the second part of a two part series by Alex Brennan on Seattle 2035 growth alternatives. In this article, Alex...
Speaking Up For Lowrise Housing
Given the challenge posed by Seattle Mayor Ed Murray's directive to add 50,000 new housing units in the next ten years, you might think...
Seattle 2035: Toward A More Equitable Growth Plan
Article Note: This is the first of two pieces by Alex Brennan on the Seattle 2035 growth alternatives. Next week, he'll share his vision...
Redevelopable Capacity: Disguising Correlation As Causation
In a previous article, I responded to Dan Bertolet's rebuttal of my essay outlining why urbanists must support linkage fees. My primary argument, that land is inelastic, means that...
Midweek Video: Seattle 2035 Public Hearing
If you happen to have an hour and a half on hand, take a peek at the very thrilling and intriguing public conversation on...
Roderick and Bassok Propose Neighborhood Rail System
Two at-large City Council candidates released an ambitious plan on Wednesday to build a “neighborhood municipal rail system.” Alon Bassok, an urban planner running...